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Where the root face is the face which holds the original meshing attributes in simmodeler (extrusion meshing from within simmodeler would originate from this face).
Where the root face is the face which holds the original meshing attributes in simmodeler (extrusion meshing from within simmodeler would originate from this face).
Note that there is a second version of convert which can intake multiple model regions if that is required for a geometry. This is available at <code>/projects/tools/SCOREC-core/build16_Opt/test/convert</code> and simply takes in more than one (space delimited) model root face arguments.
Note that there is a second version of convert which can intake multiple model regions if that is required for a geometry. This is available at <code>/projects/tools/SCOREC-core/build16_Opt/test/convert</code> and simply takes in more than one (comma delimited) model root face arguments.

Revision as of 13:11, 4 January 2023

Convert, often referred to simply as "Convert", is a tool used to convert Geometric model files into a file type usable with the preprocessing tools utilized in this group.

Basic Overview

The main goal of Convert is to take a Symmetrix model and mesh and convert it to .cnn and </code>.crd</code> files for use with </code>.crd</code>.

Basic Usage

Convert takes in a .xmt_txt, .xmt_txt, and a .smd file and outputs .cnn, .crd files, and a ./mdsMesh directory. A specific implementation will look like:

mpirun -np 1 /projects/tools/SCOREC-core/build16_Opt/test/convert --model-face-root=4321 --native_model=geom.xmt_txt geom.smd geom.sms mdsMesh/

Where the root face is the face which holds the original meshing attributes in simmodeler (extrusion meshing from within simmodeler would originate from this face).

Note that there is a second version of convert which can intake multiple model regions if that is required for a geometry. This is available at /projects/tools/SCOREC-core/build16_Opt/test/convert and simply takes in more than one (comma delimited) model root face arguments.

Model Convert

Convert takes in a .xmt_txt file and outputs a .dmg file. This file type simply stores information about model faces, edges, and vertices, and their relationships to each other. This is needed to classify mesh points.