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This page is essentially a cheat-sheet for git commands frequently used by our group.
This page is essentially a cheat-sheet for git commands frequently used by our group.
If you're completely new to <code>git</code> or version control in general, [https://learngitbranching.js.org/ Learn Git Branching] is a great interactive, visual training program show the basics.
== Basic Git ==
== Basic Git ==

Revision as of 10:32, 12 February 2020


Git is a distributed revision control system (VCS), designed to work well with highly non-linear workflows. It was initially conceived to support development of the Linux kernel, and has since become the most widely-used VCS for software development.

This page is essentially a cheat-sheet for git commands frequently used by our group.

If you're completely new to git or version control in general, Learn Git Branching is a great interactive, visual training program show the basics.

Basic Git

Basic information to get started with Git can be found at http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/.

Git repository (repo)
Is a directory that contains files of the current branch and a hidden .git directory
Contains an Index in .git that acts as a staging area for all your branches
Contains a HEAD in .git that points to the last commit you made
Your PHASTA repository should always be at ~/git-phasta/phasta
Create a new repository
git init
Checkout a repository
git clone /path/to/repo
git clone user@host:/path/to/repo
Add files to be tracked in the git index
git add <filename1> <filename2> ...
git add *
git add -u (all files updated since last commit)
Commit changes to HEAD
git commit -m "my_username: my comments about this commit"
Push changes to remote repo
git push origin master (pushes the master branch to the original/main repo)
Connect to a remote server
git remote add origin <server> (connects <server> to your main, or origin repository)
git remote add myrepo <server> (connects <server> to a named branch called mybranch)
Note: <server> could be user@host:/path/to/repo
Create and delete branch
git checkout -b branch_name (creates and checkout branch)
git checkout master (checkout master branch)
git branch -d branch_name (delete branch we just created)
Push branch to a remote
git push origin branch (pushes from your main origin repo)
Update and merge
git pull (so all branches are up-to-date for the merge)
git merge origin/master (merges current branch with origin's master branch)
If a merge has conflicts, you need to edit the conflict files provided by Git, and then mark them as merged with git add
Compare code in different branches
git diff <branch_a> <branch_b>
View history of commits
git log
git log --author=foo
git log --pretty=oneline (show each commit as one line)
git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all (ASCII tree of branches, commits, merges)
git log --name-status (show which files changed in each commit)
git log --help (more information)

Advanced Git

Git Prompt Statement (PS1)

  1. Acquire git-prompt.sh from https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh, and save it somewhere like ~/.git-prompt.sh
  2. Edit your ~/.bashrc to say source ~/.git-prompt.sh before the lines that set your PS1
  3. Modify your PS1 string to include $(__git_ps1 "(%s)") where you want the current branch to appear in your prompt