From PHASTA Wiki
Video Tutorial about how to run a pvserver-syncio in parallel on the Tukey visualization nodes and connect the pvserver to a ParaView Gui running on portal0 at Colorado
This video can be copied from /users/mrasquin/public_html/Documents_HIDE/Tukey/ParaviewOnTukeyFromPortal0 on the viz nodes.
Video Tutorial about how to run a pvserver-syncio in parallel on the Tukey visualization nodes and connect the pvserver to a ParaView Gui running on the Tukey login node
This video can be copied from /users/mrasquin/public_html/Tukey/ParaviewOnTukeyThroughVNC on the viz nodes.
Note that because vncserver on the Tukey head node does not support OpenGL, this method does not allow the export of png pictures from the ParaView Gui. Indeed, the result will be completely fuzzy. The first method is therefore strongly recommended.