Janus Proposals

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Before writing proposal, visit Application Guidelines and Allocation Cycles to review procedure guidelines. All new users are advised to apply for a testing allocation of 50,000 cpu hours (SU's) before submitting a proposal for a medium or large allocation. Testing allocations are granted almost immediately and require very little work.

Writing the Proposal

It is suggested that new users look to previously submitted proposals as a template. Previous proposals can be found here:


Only section 1, 2, 6, and 7 need to be changed to fit the user's proposal. Estimation of cpu hours and data storage needed should be based off of previous experience found using the testing allocation. Section 5 should be updated if possible by checking to see if new papers citing Janus have been written. Check the following directory before submitting proposal:


The list of papers or conference proceedings which acknowledge Janus is the following:

 K. Chitale, M. Rasquin, O. Sahni, M. Shephard, K. Jansen. 
 Anisotropic Boundary Layer Adaptivity of Multi-Element Wings. 
 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition Conference; National Harbor, MA, USA; January 13-17, 2014.
 K. Chitale, M. Rasquin, J. Martin, K. Jansen. 
 Simulations of EUROLIFT DLR-F11 wing with a finite element solver. 
 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition Conference; National Harbor, MA, USA; January 13-17, 2014.
 K. Chitale, O. Sahni, S. Tendulkar, R. Nastasia, M. Shephard, K. Jansen. 
 Boundary Layer Adaptivity for Transonic Turbulent Flows
 AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference; San Diego, CA, USA; June 24-27, 2013.

After the proposal has been submitted, please add it to the Janus proposal directory with the previously submitted proposals.