PHASTA/Extract Energy Spectrum
Run the phasta code with the following in the solver.inp file:
Use STGinflow BCs: True STG SurfID: 411 STG BL Height: 0.0027 STG U_0: 75.0 STG Number of Modes: 405 STG Mode Growth: 0.01 STG Mesh Growth: 1.13 STG Channel: False Collect STG Energy Spectrum Data: True STG Energy Distance Tolerance: 0.0005 #(allowed position error from the distance from STGinflow (helpful if the spacings are specified from the model and you know the position)) Energy Spectrum at Distances: 0.0 0.00675 0.0162 #(from defined STGinflow face in +xdir)
(The third to last line listed here and below matter for gathering points to gather nodes on )
(Try to have a time step a fraction of a cycle of kMax(=approx. 75.0)
ex:1/(kMax*U_0*percent_of_rotation), or 1/(75*75*0.05)=0.03))
Configure n-procs_dir Make vars directory within n-procs_case dir. mkdir n-procs_case/vars
Delete xyzts.dat if from a previous run. If there are additional Probe points you want, create a fresh xyzts.dat file with some header (like 4 1 1 1 1) and those points (additional functionality may be included later by modifying common/bcSTG.f ln 236 ex: inputing frequency of data reading (right now at every timestep))
Extracting Ubar
As was done to extract a STGInflow.dat file for the IDDES domain from the RANS domain,
open the /projects/tools/Models/STG/FlatePlate/RANS_FullPlate/Run/computeVARsforFLATEPLATE.pvsm
open the RANS case that you wish to use create filers on that Case that find the points in xyzts.dat Right-click the "GradientOfUnstructuredDataSet1" and select "Change Input" and select the filter that you just created. File>Save_Data and save as "PV-points.csv" in the Run above the LES n-procs_case copy Riccardo's matlab script /projects/tools/Models/STG/FlatPlate/RANS_FullPlate/Run/Prepare_STGInflow2.m to this directory
Creating an energy Spectrum
copy John's matlab scripts to the Run directory
/projects/tools/Models/STG/FlatPlate/STG_Plate/RunNew/John_Load_Varts_Directory.m /projects/tools/Models/STG/FlatPlate/STG_Plate/RunNew/John_Compute_STG_Eng_Spectrum.m (TODO)
Run the later. -Output(TODO)