Prepping the Grid for Chef

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Create a new folder called PrepAndRun in the OnRamp folder, and enter said folder. Create a new folder inside PrepAndRun called simMeshToMdsMesh, and enter that folder as well. Copy the file into this folder from the tutorials/OnRamp folder. Create soft links to your boundary conditions, mesh, and geometry by executing the following commands:

ln -s ../../translated-model.smd geom.smd
ln -s ../../<mesh name>.sms geom.sms
ln -s ../../<geometry name>.xmt_txt geom.xmt_txt

All three files must be called "geom" in this folder since that is what the convert script expects. Now, run the convert script with the following command:


If done properly, you will output a subdirectory called mdsMesh_bz2/. In this directory, there should be a file called 0.smb, which is what Chef will use in the next step. If you are ready to get started using Chef, head over to Level 1 Partition.

For more information, the linked video explains this process in detail.