Python/Miscellaneous Snippets and Tips

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Here are miscellaneous tips and tricks when working with Python files.

Write Data to Text File (ie. CSV)

Given data in some Python object (most likely a numpy-derived array, but possibly just a normal Python list), how do you write it out to a file? Use numpy.savetxt (or more likely np.savetxt).

Example: Given a array, A, of shape [n, m], simply use

np.savetxt('path/file.dat', A)

which creates a file with n rows and m columns.

Numpy's documentation has information on other useful arguments to change numerical formats, separators, and adding headers to the file.

Write multiple 1D arrays as columns

To do this, use numpy.column_stack to create an array with the columns "stacked" together.

Example: Given two 1D arrays, a and b, of the same size, use:

np.savetxt('path/file.dat', np.column_stack((a,b)) )

Two things to note here:

  1. np.column_stack takes a list or tuple as an argument, hence the two sets of ((...)).
  2. np.column_stack creates an entirely new array and copies the given data into it. As such, it will double the total amount of memory used; once for the original 1D arrays, and again for the brand new array storing a copy of the original data.
    • If data format is flexible, consider writing in rows instead of columns as it is much faster (~20%, no time spent copying data) and uses less memory

Write multiple 1D arrays as rows

np.savetxt will also take 2D-like array input. This means you can pass a list/tuple of arrays and it will process each array as a row.

Example: Given two 1D arrays, a and b, of the same size, use:

np.savetxt('path/file.dat', (a,b) )

Note we do not need to invoke np.column_stack, and thus we don't spend time copying data or take up memory with redundant data.

Running Python Files in Terminal

There are a few ways to run Python files (and Python code more generally): via a Unix shebang, python, inside a ipython instance, or through an IDE like spyder. We'll go over how to run a script,, in the terminal:

~$ cat
print('Hello World')

Note: I'll be assuming usage of Python 3.X. If using Python 2.7, use python instead of python3

Unix Shebang

You can use a Unix shebang as the first line in a script. Then you can execute the script directly in a Linux terminal (if it has the appropriate execute permissions). This is done by adding a #!/usr/bin/env python3 to the top of the file. This line is not read by Python (# is the comment character), but instead by the (Linux) kernel which uses the executable specified in the line to execute the file. Then you can execute the file directly.

~$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print('Hello World')

~$ ./
Hello World

Adding a shebang does not exclude you from running the script in any of the other methods listed below; Python will simply ignore the line since it is a commented line.

Default Python Interpreter

You can execute by calling the script as an argument to the python interpreter executable, much like you can do with bash, zsh, or perl:

~$ python3
Hello World

IPython Console

The IPython Console is a very powerful, interactive python shell (ie. console or terminal) that is built into many other applications, such as Spyder and JupyterLab. It offers a host of useful features, tab completion, like system shell commands (cd, ls, etc), debugging shell, and also has special "magic" commands. One of those magic commands is %run.

%run allows you to run a script and then interact with the variables that are created in the script, similarly to Matlab's console. This is especially useful when debugging a script; if your script outputs an error and stop, you can inspect the variable states right when the error occurred.

~$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print('Hello World')
test = 1

~$ ipython
Python 3.9.6 (default, Jun 30 2021, 10:22:16) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.23.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: %run
Hello World

In [2]: test
Out[2]: 1

Note this can also be done with Python's default console, but it's a bit more clunky:

~$ python 
Python 3.9.6 (default, Jun 30 2021, 10:22:16) 
[GCC 11.1.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exec(open('').read())
Hello World
>>> test

However Python's built-in console does not have the nice features of IPython, so it is generally preferred.