Phasta Meshing
From PHASTA Wiki
Creating the Boundary Layer Attribute File
- To begin, we need a geometry model. It can be created using commercial softwares such as SolidWorks or NX and saved as *.x_t
- Create a new directory, which will contain the new geometric model and boundary layer attribute file (BLattr.inp). Make a link to the geometric model:
ln -s "model_name.x_t" geom.xmt_txt
Now copy whichever BLattr.inp file you wish to start from to your working directory.
- Each face of the geometric model needs specific mesh and boundary layer characteristics. This is the purpose of BLattr.inp. Open it by typing:
vim BLattr.inp
A vim command cheat sheet can be found at
- To create attributes for each model entity, two lines in the following format are being used.
<entity dimension> <entity tag> <size type> <attribute type> <extra> <value or expression for mesh size on this entity>
- Note that a blank line between these two lines is not allowed.
- The parameters in the first line, respectively are:
- Entity dimension: This will be 2 if the BL is being specified on a face - Entity tag: You can find the entity tag using simapps - Size type on entity: 1 for absolute mesh size and 2 for relative mesh size - Attribute type on entity: 0 just imposes the size on entity. <extra> field is NULL 1 for entity with boundary layers. <extra> field is explained below. 2 for periodic entity: In this case, <extra> field is followed with slave entity tag 3 for refinement source. Specify entity dimension as -1 in this case. <extra> field is explained below.
For Boundary layer:
the <extra> field consists of (a) faceSide/useDir (BL orientation), (b) numEndEnts (==0, layers with fixed heigths), (c) firstLayerHeight, (d) totalHeight, (e) nLayers, (f) blMixed, (g) blBlends, (h) blPropagate and (i) edgeBLFaceTag (only if 2D BL on edge)
- You can insert text by hitting the "a" or "i" keys. Hit escape to go back to visual mode
- You can comment out lines or parts of lines by placing a # symbol before the text you want to comment out. This is useful for suppressing BL's and
assigning names to the face numbers
- To save and quit the changes you've made to BLattr.inp, get back to visual mode and type ":wq" and hit enter.
Creating an Initial Mesh
- To do this, type:
"vglconnect viz001" or "vglonnect viz002". You should also type "top" to see who is currently working and that enough memory is available
- cd back to your working directory and type
/users/mrasquin/develop/Meshing/BLMesher/bin/x86_64_linux/BLMesher geom.xmt_txt geom_ver63.sms 0.05 1 BLattr.inp BLMesher.log
or cp (you can find it in /users/jema6380) into your working directory and type
./ geom.xmt_txt geom_ver63.sms 0.05 1 BLattr.inp BLMesher.log
- This creates geom_ver63.sms. If it aborts immediately, look at BLMesher.log to get a sense of where in BLattr.inp it failed.
- Next, you need to convert geom_ver63.sms into geom_ver2.sms so that the BL can be trimmed later. cp (see /users/jema6380) to your working directory and type:
- Now you can trim the boundary layer:
/users/mrasquin/develop/Meshing/BLTrim-2011-08-25/bin/x86_64_linux-icc/BLTrim-O geom.xmt_txt geom_ver2.sms 1 0 0 0 geom_test_bl.sms 2 1
- Questions:
Enter option [1/0] to write trimmed BL mesh: 1 Enter output filename: geom-trimmed.sms Enter number of BL surfaces to be visualized: 0
- Tetrahedronize the mesh:
/users/chitak/develop/Meshing/tetrahedronizeBL-for-curve/bin/x86_64_linux-icc/tetrahedronizeBL-for-curve-O geom.xmt_txt geom-trimmed.sms geom-trimmed-tets.sms
- Alternatively, to save time you can mesh, trim, and tetrahedronize all in one fell swoop. cp,, and (see /users/jema6380) to your working directory. Run the command:
./ geom.xmt_txt BLattr.inp
- You can now view the trimmed, tetrahedronized mesh (geom-trimmed-tets.sms) using ThreeDViewer.