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Convert, often referred to simply as "Convert", is a tool used to convert Geometric model files into a file type usable with the preprocessing tools utilized in this group.

Basic Overview

The main goal of Convert is to take a Symmetrix model and mesh and convert it to .cnn and </code>.crd</code> files for use with </code>.crd</code>.

Basic Usage

Convert takes in a .xmt_txt, .xmt_txt, and a .xmt_txt file and outputs .cnn, </code>.crd</code> files, and a <code./mdsMesh</code> directory. A specific implementation will look like:

mpirun -np 1 /projects/tools/SCOREC-core/build16_Opt/test/convert --model-face-root=4321 --native_model=geom.xmt_txt geom.smd geom.sms mdsMesh/

Where the root face is the face which holds the original meshing attributes in simmodeler (extrusion meshing from within simmodeler would originate from this face).

Model Convert

Convert takes in a .xmt_txt file and outputs a .dmg file. This file type simply stores information about model faces, edges, and vertices, and their relationships to each other. This is needed to classify mesh points when generating a mesh with.