FDSI Summer Program/HONEE

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Information for tutorial in HONEE, to be updated as needed.

HONEE, or the High-Order Navier-stokes Equation Evaluator, is a CFD program that combines libCEED and PETSc.

Building HONEE for Cisco nodes

First, start a job on the Cisco nodes. All the below commands should be run within a terminal on a Cisco node.

Setup Envionment

source /projects/tools/Spackv0.23/share/spack/setup-env.sh
spack load gcc@12.3
module load openmpi

Create new directory

mkdir honee_build
cd honee_build

Build PETSc

Ordinarily, I'd only recommend doing a git clone, e.g. git clone https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc.git. However, the /nobackup/ server is quite slow and this process takes around 20 minutes (normally about a minute on my laptop), so downloading and extracting a tarball may be quicker. I may cover that later, but for now I'll just cover it via git clone.

git clone https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc.git
cd petsc
cp /nobackup/uncompressed/jrwrigh/HONEE_Setup/petsc/reconfigure.py
export PETSC_DIR=$(pwd) PETSC_ARCH=arch-32
cd ..

The reconfigure.py file has the following:

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys
  import os
  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('config'))
  import configure
  configure_options = [
    'COPTFLAGS=-g -O3',
    'CXXOPTFLAGS=-g -O3',

Building HONEE

Ensure that PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH are set to the desired PETSc installation.

git clone https://github.com/CEED/libCEED.git
cd libCEED
make build/fluids-navierstokes -j

The executable build/fluids-navierstokes is then built and ready for running.

Changing HONEE Inputs

HONEE uses PETSc's input argument system for handling inputs. They can be provided either via command-line flags or inside a YAML file. So

./build/fluids-navierstokes -ts_dt 1e-3

is equivalent to

./build/fluids-navierstokes -options_file test.yaml

if test.yaml has this in it:

ts_dt: 1e-3

Note also that PETSc allows for hierarchical flags as well within a YAML file. So instead of writing

ts_dt: 1e-3
ts_type: alpha
ts_max_time: 2.3

You can write:

  dt: 1e-3
  type: alpha
  max_time: 2.3

Documentation for Specific Flags

Notable Input Flags

  • -ts_monitor_solution: This will save the results of a simulation to a file. Example: -ts_monitor_solution cgns:flow_visualization.cgns will save the results to a file called flow_visualization.cgns

Restarting Simulations

To restart a simulation from a previous simulation's result, they need to be saved to a *.bin file. This is done using the -continue flag, which will load the file set by -continue_filename.

Note that restarting from a binary file can only be done if the binary file was written by a simulation running at the same part count.

HONEE and Gmsh

GMSH/Grid requirements:

  1. The grid must be hexahedron based (so deformed cubes). HONEE can run with tetrahedron grids, but that will require some minor code modifications which we've done before (IIRC, it's a single line of code to change). If anyone is interested in this, let me know and we can work on it.
    • Note that HONEE cannot handle mixed meshes, so meshes with both hexahedron and tetrahedron grids. This is not a minor code change and is probably out of scope for this Summer Program
  2. In the geo file, you need to specify Physical Surfaces to identify the domain boundaries to apply boundary conditions to.
  3. In the geo file, you need to specify a single Physical Volume that has the entire domain. So if you split the domain into multiple pieces for meshing purposes (as is done with the vortex shedding grids), then you need the Physical Volume to identify all the pieces.

YAML Setup:

In the YAML file, you need to associate each Physical Surfaces with a boundary condition. I describe this briefly in the video, but each Physical Surface as an ID number associated with it. In the YAML file, you need to associate that ID number with a BC choice. For example, in the vortexshedding.yaml file there is:

# Boundary Settings
bc_slip_z: 6
bc_wall: 5
bc_freestream: 1
bc_outflow: 2
bc_slip_y: 3,4

and the cylinder.geo has:

Physical Surface("inlet") = {102};
Physical Surface("outlet") = {116};
Physical Surface("top") = {80, 120};
Physical Surface("bottom") = {36, 112};
Physical Surface("cylinderwalls") = {94, 28, 50, 72};
Physical Surface("frontandback") = {37, 1, 4, 103, 3, 81, 2, 59, 5, 125};

The "inlet" face is the first identified boundary, so it gets the ID number 1. In the YAML file, you see bc_freestream: 1, which sets this inlet boundary to be controlled by a freestream BC. Similar with the "outlet" face; it's the second specified boundary in the geo file, so we set bc_outflow: 2. And so on with the other faces.

NOTE: When using the GMSH GUI to identify the Physical Surfaces, it will actually put something like this in the geo file:

Physical Surface("inlet", 3010) = {3005};
Physical Surface("outlet", 3011) = {3003};
Physical Surface("top", 3012) = {3004};
Physical Surface("bottom", 3013) = {3002};
Physical Surface("nacawalls", 3014) = {3008, 3006, 3007};
Physical Surface("frontandback", 3015) = {3009, 3001};

Note the extra 3010 in the "inlet" definition. I'm not sure if this means that correct ID number for it should be 3010 instead of 1, but that's a possibility.