Chef an open source SCOREC tool that is this group's primary tool to partition a problem domain to many subdomains. This is done to allow any array of compute nodes to each focus on solving the problem in parallel. That is, to divide the problem domain into subdomains to give to different computational workers. When we perform this step, all that is needed for inputs are the, 1) SCOREC mesh constructed from the output of the conversion and meshing steps, and 2) the number of parts (subdomains) to divide the problem up into. A generic workflow for this step is described below and is a good place to start when desiring to complete the workflow for the first time. As the readers' studies continue, many aspects of the layout and modifiers will not be consistent with this onRanp documentation.
Partioning from serial via Viz nodes
Within a folder, name it Chef, softlink to the <case>.smd file, naming the link as geom.smd. Also, have the path to the directory containing the 0.smb file that was gathered from the previous steps. Create a 1-1-Chef subdirectory that contains an adapt.inp file and a bash script. Edit the script to look something like this:
/usr/local/openmpi/1.10.6-gnu49-thread/bin/mpirun -np $1 /projects/tools/SCOREC-core/build-viz003/test/chef 2>&1 | tee chef.log