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The following page provides details for performing mesh adaptation using the PhParAdapt tool with Simmetrix routines.

Initial Notes to User

  • The solution migration feature is currently broken and thus requires other means for transferring the solution to new meshes that are created from PhParAdapt (e.g. solution interpolation in Paraview)
  • To date, the steps described herein have only been tried with the following restrictions:
    • Tetrahedral elements
      • Extruded element types apparently can be used but require removal of any extrusion constraints in the mesh. Below are some incomplete details regarding that process for reference. See Removal of Extrusion Constraint.
    • Serial case
    • Geometry created using SimModeler7.0-190626
    • Adaptation using 6th entry of errors field

Adaptation Process

Creating Initial Restart and Error Files

Beginning inside of the 1-1-Chef directory,

mkdir 1-1-phParAdapt
cd 1-1-phParAdapt 

Create soft links to the geom files above the 1-1-Chef directory,

ln -s ../../geom.smd
ln -s ../../geom.sms
ln -s ../../geom_nat.x_t 

Create an adapt.inp using the template Adapt.inp (non-adaptation step).

File Examples

The file examples below are what were used for this specific example and may contain parameter flags that may need to be changed or are not used at all.

Adapt.inp (non-adaptation step)

numberSolutionVars 6
numberErrorVars 10 
refWeights 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
refThreshold 0.01
globalP 1
timeStepNumber 1 
numelX 0
ensa_dof 6
attributeFileName geom.smd
meshFileName geom.sms
modelFileName geom_nat.x_t
Idirection 0
zScale 0
adaptFlag 0 
errorName 0
lStart 0
rRead 6
rStart 0 
AdaptStrategy 5
AdaptFactor 0.00001
AdaptOption 11
hmax 0.04
hmin 0.000052083
multipleRestarts 0
Periodic 0
prCD 0
timing 0
wGraph 0
phastaVersion 1.9.5
old_format 0
FortFormFlag 0
outputFormat binary
internalBCNodes 0
version UNKNOWN
phastaIO 1
numTotParts 1
SolutionMigration 0
DisplacementMigration 0
isReorder 0 
isBLAdapt 0
isThickAdapt 0
isSizeLimit 1
MaxLimitFact 2
MinLimitFact 2
rho 1.225
mu 1.7825e-5
dwalMigration 0
buildMapping 1 

Adapt.inp (adaptation step)

eviscScal 0
pgrad 0
ub 1.45
lb 0.70
numSplit 5
sizeRatio 0.35 # confirmed that 0.25 does a 4x ref
numSmooth  0  #confirmed that this gets used  
ratioThresh 0.75   #  this is h_new/h_orig from isotropic days
localAdapt 1    # makes setLocal force adaptivity only around nodes set size
AnisoSimmetrix 4 # > 0 use Simmetrix, else ours 1 does largest length reduction by sizeRatio, 2 does both does medium and largest reduction by sizeRatio
coarsenMode 0 # disables coarsening see coarsenMode docs for 1, and 2
numberSolutionVars 6
numberErrorVars 10 
refWeights 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
refThreshold 0.01
globalP 1
timeStepNumber 1 
numelX 0
ensa_dof 6
attributeFileName geom.smd
meshFileName  geom.sms
modelFileName geom_nat.x_t
Idirection 0
zScale 0
adaptFlag 1 
errorName 0
lStart 0
rRead 6
rStart 0 
AdaptStrategy 5
AdaptFactor 0.5e-4
AdaptOption 11
hmax 1e6
hmin 1e-5
multipleRestarts 0
Periodic 0
prCD 0
timing 0
wGraph 0
phastaVersion 1.9.5
old_format 0
FortFormFlag 0
outputFormat binary
internalBCNodes 0
version UNKNOWN
phastaIO 0
numTotParts 1
SolutionMigration 1
DisplacementMigration 0
isReorder 0 
isBLAdapt 0
isThickAdapt 0
isSizeLimit 0
MaxLimitFact 2
MinLimitFact 2
rho 1.225
mu 1.7825e-5
dwalMigration 0
buildMapping 1 

Notes on Folder Structure

Below is an overview of the folder structure to reference during the adaptation process:

  1. [ geom.smd, geom.sms, geom_nat.x_t ]
  2. 1-1-Chef
    1. 1-1-phParAdapt
      1. adapt.inp
      3. 1-procs_case
        1. geombc.dat.1
        2. restart.<#>.1
      4. mesh_parts.sms
      5. A1-phParAdapt
        1. restart.<#>.1
        2. errors.<#>.1
        3. [geom.smd, geom.sms, geom_nat.x_t, parts.sms]
        4. adapt.inp
        5. <#> ( step number directory )
          1. mesh_parts.sms
          2. 1-1-phParAdapt
            1. [geom.smd, geom.sms, geom_nat.x_t]
            2. adapt.inp
            3. 1-procs_case ( restart files with adapted mesh )

Removal of Extrusion Constraint

Riccardo has used a procedure in the past to remove the extrusion constraint from a mesh that enabled adaptation to be performed on extrusion-type elements.

The following directory contains an example of this process: /projects/tools/Models/NASAWingBodyJunction/RajMeshFine/Mesh/1-1-phParAdapt/RemExtrusion/

The executable that is called for removal of the constraint is a part of SCOREC-core, found at <path/to/SCOREC-core/build/dir>/test/rm_extrusion and the source code, in case edits are required, is found at <path/to/SCOREC-core/source/dir>/core/test/