Phasta Meshing

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Creating the Boundary Layer Attribute File

  • To begin, we need a geometry model. It can be created using commercial softwares such as SolidWorks or NX and saved as *.x_t
  • Create a new directory, which will contain the new geometric model and boundary layer attribute file (BLattr.inp). Make a link to the geometric model:
  ln -s "model_name.x_t" geom.xmt_txt

Now copy whichever BLattr.inp file you wish to start from to your working directory.

  • Each face of the geometric model needs specific mesh and boundary layer characteristics. This is the purpose of BLattr.inp. Open it by typing:
  vim BLattr.inp

A vim command cheat sheet can be found at

  • To create attributes for each model entity, two lines in the following format are being used.
 <entity dimension> <entity tag> <size type> <attribute type> <extra> 
 <value or expression for mesh size on this entity>
  • Note that a blank line between these two lines is not allowed.
  • The parameters in the first line, respectively are:
- Entity dimension:          2 for 2-D cases and 3 for 3-D cases
- Entity tag:                You can find the entity tag using simapps
- Size type on entity:       1 for absolute mesh size and 2 for relative mesh size
- Attribute type on entity:  
                             0 just imposes the size on entity. <extra> field is NULL
                             1 for entity with boundary layers. <extra> field is explained below.
                             2 for periodic entity: In this case, <extra> field is followed with slave entity tag
                             3 for refinement source. Specify entity dimension as -1 in this case. <extra> field is explained below.

  • You need the BLMesher code which can be found at: