PHASTA/Restart Ordering

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Knowledge of the ordering of restarts is most useful for the creation of .pht or .phts files (used to tell ParaView what to read in from restarts in POSIX or SyncIO format respectively). There are both standard outputs from PHASTA that will be written no matter what, and optional ones that may depend on the simulation type or what type of analysis is planned on being done.

In the following, index numbering will be in index-by-1 format, or Fortran format. When creating a .pht or .phts file and filling in the start_index_in_phasta_array=" " section for each field, note that you should subtract one as ParaView reads this file using index-by-0.

NOTE: This page is a work in progress and none of this information should be taken as fully accurate while this warning persists

Standard Outputs

The output flow variables written to restarts are dependent on the choice of variables used to solve a given setup. These output flow variables are stored under the header solution And for pressure primitive, have ordering:

  • Pressure
  • Velocity (vector quantity, ordered x, y, z)
  • Temperature (if solving the compressible equations, this field can be ignored if incompressible)

In the case where turbulence models are being used or species are being solved for, solution will also populate scalar fields starting in the 6th field in sequential ordering:

  • Scalar 1
  • Scalar 2

The final ordering is then:

Pressure Primitive Fields
Field Number Description Notes
1 Pressure
2:4 Velocity Vector quantity, ordered u, v, w
5 Temperature This field can be ignored if incompressible
6 Scalar 1 Only written if scalar 1 exists
7 Scalar 2 Only written if scalar 2 exists

The exact quantity that any scalar represents depends on the models being used, though as some examples, for the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) 1-equation RANS model or DES/DDES formulations using the SA model, scalar 1 will be &nu t. Some branches of the code may have the ability to solve more scalar equations and those extra scalars will be appended, in order, to the end of the solution field.

Time Derivatives

The time derivatives of all of the above fields are also present in the restarts, under the header time derivative of solution. These fields are in the exact same order as in solution, and are subject to the same caveats about how many scalars there may be and what they actually represent for any given branch of the code and simulation setup.

Pressure Primitive Fields
Field Number Description Notes
1 Time derivative of pressure
2:4 Time derivative of velocity Vector quantity, ordered u, v, w
5 Time derivative of temperature This field can be ignored if incompressible
6 Time derivative of scalar 1 Only written if scalar 1 exists
7 Time derivative of scalar 2 Only written if scalar 2 exists

Optional Outputs

Wall Distance

This quanity is simply a measure of the distance from any given node to the nearest wall point in the simulation. This quantity is mostly used in turbulence models but can be useful for the post-processing of complex domains

  • Header: dwal
  • solver.inp flag: placeholder
Field Number Description Notes
1 Wall Distance


  • Header: vorticity
  • solver.inp flag: Print vorticity: True
Field Number Description Notes
1:3 Vorticity Vector quantity, ordered ωx, ωy, ωz
4 Magnitude of vorticity
5 Q Defined as the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor

Time Averaged Statistics (point-wise)

Point-wise time averaged statistics are useful for problems where there are no homogeneous directions in the flow to accumulate an average along. Instead, PHASTA can accumulate averages at each individual node. Note that this formulation only accumulates per-run, so an average is only computed from the start step of the current run, and total averages must be computed by adding successive averages with the appropriate weighting.

  • Header: ybar
  • solver.inp flag: Print ybar: True
Fields (incompressible)
Field Number Description Notes
1 Average velocity Vector quantity, ordered u, v, w
2:4 Average pressure
5 Average speed
6:8 Average of the square of velocity Vector quantity, ordered u2, v2, w2
9 Average of the square of pressure
10:12 Average of velocity cross-components Vector quantity, ordered uv, uw, vw
13 Average of scalar 1
14:16 Average of vorticity Vector quantity, ordered ωx, ωy, ωz
17 Average vorticity magnitude
18 Average of scalar 2

Average of Q may be in position 19 depending on the branch

Wall Shear Stress

This field is only defined at wall points and is used to get the most accurate measure of the wall shear stress possible as otherwise a finite gradient using the first point off of the wall must be implemented, which may or may not be normal to a wall point underneath of it.

  • Header: wss
  • solver.inp flag: Print Wall Fluxes: True (check this)
Field Number Description Notes
1:3 Wall shear stress Vector quantity, ordered τwallx, τwally, τwallz

Time Averaged Wall Shear Stress

Header: wssbar solver.inp flag: Print Wall Fluxes: True and Print ybar: True

Field Number Description Notes
1:3 Average wall shear stress Vector quantity, ordered τwallx, τwally, τwallz

Pressure Projection Vectors

Header: pressure projection vectors solver.inp flag: placeholder