Janus Cheat Sheet
From PHASTA Wiki
ssh your_identikey_user@login.rc.colorado.edu [pin][token]
Running Jobs
Environment Setup:
use Torque use Moab use Git use .openmpi-1.4.3_intel-12.0_ib use Graphviz use Subversion
available nodes/cores:
pbsnodes -a showbf
Jobscript Template:
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N name_of_job #PBS -l walltime=0:20:00 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12 . /curc/tools/utils/dkinit reuse .openmpi-1.4.3_intel-12.0_ib mpirun /path/to/executable
qsub -q janus-debug jobscript.sh
checkjob job_id showq -u $USER
qdel job_id
Large Memory, Interactive:
qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=32,walltime=1:00:00 -q himem
Interactive, for debugging (with totalviewer)
qsub -X -I -l nodes=1:ppn=12,walltime=1:00:00 -q janus-debug
Non Default allocation:
qsub -A UCBXXXXXXX job.sh
or in the job script:
Debugging PHASTA
If you are getting hanging codes or crashing codes, compile with the pgi compilers and try the following flags on C, C++ and Fortran: -Ktrap=fp -Mbounds -Kieee For PHASTA with cmake, you need to: CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC FC=pgfortran ccmake ../phasta Then, add the compilation flags above to the following variables: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS variables Basically this will make your code crash where you get floating point exceptions, go out of bounds with arrays, or have ieee exceptions. Then if you type set catchDebugger=1 and then mpirun <exec> it will launch debug windows which when you release them will stop at the point of your "foul" which REALLY helps. More info: http://www.pgroup.com/userforum/viewtopic.php?t=1898&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=719a9d9871bf16add8565a398ba548f3
Allocation Status
use Crc-allocations check_allocation.py use Moab showstats -u $USER
export MYPROXY_SERVER_DN=$MYPROXY_SERVER_DN"/C=US/O=Globus Consortium/OU=Globus Connect Service/CN=842a610a-4de7-11e1-9674-123138151443" myproxy-logon -T -b -s gridftp-00.rc.colorado.edu -v -l bema1643
globus-url-copy -v -r -cd -rst -rst-retries 0 -fast -vb -p 64 -stripe -tcp-bs 4M -g2 -ss '/C=US/O=Globus Consortium/OU=Globus Connect Service/CN=842a610a-4de7-11e1-9674-123138151443' gsiftp://gridftp-00.rc.colorado.edu/lustre/janus_scratch/bema1643/test.img sshftp://matthb2@jumpgate-phasta.colorado.edu/scratch/matthb2/foo/
globus-url-copy -v -r -cd -rst -rst-retries 0 -fast -vb -p 64 -stripe -tcp-bs 4M -g2 -ds '/C=US/O=Globus Consortium/OU=Globus Connect Service/CN=842a610a-4de7-11e1-9674-123138151443' sshftp://matthb2@jumpgate-phasta.colorado.edu/scratch/mrasquin/416M/ gsiftp://gridftp-00.rc.colorado.edu/lustre/janus_scratch/bema1643/
(note: -ss to specify that the source server has a non-standard DN, -ds for the destination)
https://www.rc.colorado.edu/crcdocs/queues https://www.rc.colorado.edu/policies/janus-jobs