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Video Tutorial about how to run a pvserver-syncio in parallel on the Tukey visualization nodes and connect the pvserver to a ParaView Gui running on the Tukey login node

Note that because vncserver on the Tukey head node does not support OpenGL, it is currently not possible to export png pictures from the ParaView Gui. The result will be completely fuzzy. You can still visualize the data though and if needed, take a screen shot from your own laptop (command+3 or command+4 for MAC). We are working on a solution that will allow you to run the ParaView Gui directly on portal0 at Colorado and export png pictures directly from the ParaView Gui. This problem is only present if you try to visualize phasta file under the SyncIO format. Although it is unlikely that you will want to visualize phasta files under the old Posix format on Tukey, contact if you need to do so and export successfully png pictures from phasta files under the posix format.