Creating geom.spj

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Revision as of 10:39, 15 July 2013 by Jema6380 (talk | contribs)
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  • create a directory for the smf and spj files (mkdir SMF_and_SPJ_files). cd to that directory and start SimulationMaker:
 vglrun /usr/local/simapps/sdk-090321/simapps  SimulationMaker
  • Default Solver: Phasta
  • Browse to the appropriate geometry file and select it (make sure it is not the SpaceClaim parasolid file; it should be the file you saved from ThreeDViewer - geom.xmt_txt)
  • Turn OFF sliver feature supression
  • Click Define Simulation Model Instance
  • The attribute list and model will appear in split windows. At the top of the list, double click on the name "problem definition" and set the name to "geom".
  • To set attributes, make sure the field with "geom", which you just changed, is selected. Using the model to the right, click on whichever faces you want to give attributes, and go to "Create" at the upper left hand corner to select the appropriate attribute.

For Incompressible Flow

  • Setting the Inflow Conditions

comp3: set vector magnitude to the free-stream velocity you want. Set the vector direction to the direction (i.e. if the free-stream velocity moves strictly along the x-axis, the direction would be [1 0 0]).