FaceProperty Script

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The purpose of this script is to automate the creation of a new BLattr.inp file for a new parasolid model. You need a previous model that is very nearly the same as the new model, with the exception of a few new changes. You also need the BLattr.inp corresponding to the previous model, and your new geometric model for which you want to create a new BLattr.inp

  • cd to the working directory where your model is saved (i.e. for Boeing, it might be Open26_12jets). Copy the old geometric model to this directory and call it geom2_old.xmt_txt, and the old BLattr.inp. Also copy over the new geometric model and call it geom2_new.xmt_txt. Make sure you have saved the native parasolid model that was generated in spaceclaim from ThreeDViewer.
  • copy these files to the working directory:

/users/jema6380/Executables/MatchFaceID.m /users/jema6380/Executables/runMatchFaceID.sh /users/jema6380/Executables/SwitchAttribFileFaces.rb