Getting Started with Simmodeler

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Launching the Software

Once your environment is properly set, as shown in the convert step video, run: vglrun /projects/tools/SimmetrixTest/SimModeler7.0-190626/simmodeler in your terminal to launch simmodeler. Note that 7.0-190626 specifies the version of simmodeler you are launching.

Accessing the User Manual

When launching simmodeler, there is a blue question mark at the top right of the GUI. Click it and then click "launch manual" to open the user manual associated with the version of simmodeler you are using. This gives detailed descriptions of the various attributes and how they are defined to generate the desired mesh.

Applying Mesh Attributes

Volume Meshing

3D Boundary Layers

One of the most important aspects of volume mesh development is generating proper 3D boundary layers. This process is well outlined here from around 8:30 to 16:00. Note that all mesh attributes are set up under the "Meshing" tab.

Mesh Refinement Zones

Surface Meshing

2D and 1D Boundary Layers

To generate a proper surface mesh, it is important that both 2D and 1D boundary layers are implemented. Note that a 2D Boundary layer is defined on a surface and a 1D Boundary layer is defined on a line. The linked video shows both 2D and 1D boundary layers being applied to an airfoil and the mesh that results from these applied attributes.

Mesh Size and Face Extrusions

Two more useful attributes when generating proper surface meshes are defining Mesh Sizes and Face Extrusions on your desired surfaces. Face Extrusions are useful when adding refinement over curved surfaces. This process is well covered in this video.

Applying Boundary and Initial Conditions

A nice description of each of the common BCs used in both the Compressible and Incompressible builds of PHASTA is provided here.