The On Ramp/Level 1/Post-Process

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Visualization File

In order for Paraview to know which restart and geombc files to process, we need to give it this information by means of a .pht meta-data file. In the directory where the case was run, .../8-1-Chef/Run/ for our example, you will need to create/copy the meta-data file with a .pht file extension. The common practice is to name this file flow.pht and to only include the file in your Run directory when you are ready to launch Paraview. You can copy over an example file from the tutorials folder called flow.pht. A detailed explanation of what is inside of the .pht file is provided in this video.

Visualizing Fields and Computing Quantities

As always, set the environment (if you have not done so already) by using:

more ~kjansen/

To open the visualization tool paraview, run the command:

vglrun paraview

A tutorial on how to navigate the GUI to visualize solution fields as well as compute other solution fields is given here.