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bar2vtk is a utility from the vtkpytools project for converting *bar files (velbar and stsbar) into appropriate VTK files. In particular, it makes use of the barfiletools module in the vtkpytools project.

Documentation for bar2vtk can be found by running the --help flag, but this will also serve as a more detailed/verbose documentation page as well.


Time Windows


--velbar and --stsbar

These flags allow for explicit setting the path(s) to the velbar and stsbar files. They can take a maximum of two arguments.

When given two paths, it will assume that a time window is to be created, with the first file corresponding to the first timestep in the timestep range.


  • bar2vtk [vtmfile] [dataPath] 10000 --velbar /data/path/velbar.file --stsbar /data/path/stsbar.file
    • Will use the files given to do a "single timestep" VTM creation
  • bar2vtk [vtmfile] [dataPath] 10000-20000 --ts0=0 --velbar /data/path/velbar_first.file /data/path/velbar_second.file --stsbar /data/path/stsbar_first.file /data/path/stsbar_second.file
    • Will create a time step window using the /data/path/*bar_first.file files as timestep 10000 and /data/path/*bar_second.file as timestep 20000


Ordinarily, the *bar files are assumed to be Fortran binary array files. Using this flag, the file(s) will instead be assumed to be space-delimited plain-text files (ie. ASCII files).


This flag will add in the raw values from the stsbar file, allowing for better debugging of the files if any strange data comes out from them.



