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ParaView is a parallel, scalable, visualization package from Kitware. See


To launch a single threaded ParaView instance, first connect via VNC, then use vglconnect to connect to one of the compute machines:

 vglconnect -s viz001

Add the desired version of ParaView to your environment (the below example will get the "default" version)

 soft add @paraview

and lunch the GUI:

 vglrun paraview

Viewing Serial Cases

Within the GUI, open the .pht file that corresponds to your case. The .pht file will appear in the "pipeline browser" within ParaView. To actually see your model, click the "apply" button on the properties tab. To visualize a particular flow property, choose that property from the dropdown menu in the "active variable controls" toolbar, and then click the button corresponding to the type of visualization you want (contour, slice, etc.) in the "common" toolbar. The properties of the visualization element can then be controlled in the "properties" tab.

For more help with the ParaView GUI, see ParaView's tutorial.

Parallel (Client/Server) Mode
